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Internal Memory on Galaxy S4 will be More !!

Sunday, 19 May 20130 comments

The Samsung responded quickly to complaints from users that a new devaysakh Galaxy S4 too little free space: instead of the claimed 16 gigabytes available for about half .

A representative from Samsung on Wednesday made ​​the following statement: "We thank all our customers for operational reviews and will do everything possible to reduce the amount of system files. We listen to our customers and try to meet their needs. "
It is worth noting that earlier Samsung defended his position, saying that such a large amount of system performance due to file a smartphone and a desire to please the users lots of features. But while there is a reasonable question: what if users would prefer to have more space on your smartphone for their needs, instead of all the smartphone features that they never take advantage of. 
Unlike its main competitors iPhone and HTC One S4 allows its users to expand the memory up to 64 GB with a card microSD, but the transfer or application installation is possible only in the internal memory: external serves as a repository for the user's personal files, such as photos and music.
It is interesting just how much space will take up the system files on the newly announced Galaxy S4 running on the basis of pure Android - without a firm shell TouchWiz.
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