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iPhone 5 made of Gold and Diamonds !!

Tuesday, 18 June 20130 comments

Is the £10 million Stuart Hughes iPhone 5 covered with gold and diamonds too rich for your blood? Well peasant, Goldgenie introduced the Superstar series just for you. It comes in two variations – Gold Superstar with 200g of 18K gold and the Gold Superstar Ice, which 364 diamonds (5.5 carats in total).

Even with a bourgeois price tag of £48,000 for the Superstar and £68,000 for the Superstar Ice, such a phone is still a pretty big investment so Goldgenie promises to let you update the phone to a newer model (it's not quite clear how that works or if there's a fee for moving all that gold and diamonds).

Anyway, the base model gets you the golden iPhone 5 itself, Apple earpods, USB cable, charger and documentation plus authentication certificate, all packed in a snazzy luxury cherry oak box.

With the pricier model you get 364 diamonds studded around the phone and there's a sapphire version coming soon (no mention of price for that one, but it will be somewhere between the two current options).
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